Default status selected when replying to ticket [Ex: Open/Closed/Answered]
Default priority on piped ticket [Ex: Low/Medium/High/Urgent/Closed]
Allowed attachments file extensions [Ex: Facebook/Google/Others]
Ticket Replies Order [Ex: Ascending/Descending]
Allow staff to access only ticket that belongs to staff departments [Ex: Yes/No]
Send staff-related ticket notifications to the ticket assignee only [Ex: Yes/No]
Receive notification on new ticket opened [Ex: Yes/No]
Receive notification when customer reply to a ticket [Ex: Yes/No]
Allow staff members to open tickets to all contacts? [Ex: Yes/No]
Automatically assign the ticket to the first staff that post a reply? [Ex: Yes/No]
Allow access to tickets for non staff members [Ex: Yes/No]
Allow non-admin staff members to delete ticket attachments [Ex: Yes/No]
Allow customer to change ticket status from customers area [Ex: Yes/No]
In customers area only show tickets related to the logged in contact (Primary contact not applied) [Ex: Yes/No]
Enable support menu item badge [Ex: Yes/No]
Pipe Only on Registered Users [Ex: Yes/No]
Only Replies Allowed by Email [Ex: Yes/No]
Try to import only the actual ticket reply (without quoted/forwarded message) [Ex: Yes/No]