Finance General

Financial general settings
Decimal Separator [Ex: ./,]
Thousand Separator [Ex: ./,/'/None/Space]
Default Tax [Ex: 5%/10%/15%]
Show TAX per item [Ex: Yes/No]
Remove the tax name from item table row [Ex: Yes/No]
Exclude currency symbol from items table Amount [Ex: Yes/No]
Remove decimals on numbers/money with zero decimals (2.00 will become 2, 2.25 will stay 2.25) [Ex: Yes/No]
Output total amount to words in invoice/estimate/proposal [Ex: Yes/No]
Number words into lowercase [Ex: Yes/No]

Invoice Seetting

Invoicing set correctly.
Invoice Number Prefix [Ex: INV-/ORD-]
Invoice due after (days) [Ex: 15/30 days]
Allow staff members to view invoices where they are assigned to [Ex: Yes/No]
Require client to be logged in to view invoice [Ex: Yes/No]
Delete invoice allowed only on last invoice [Ex: Yes/No]
Decrement invoice number on delete [Ex: Yes/No]
Exclude invoices with draft status from customers area [Ex: Yes/No]
Show Sale Agent On Invoice [Ex: Yes/No]
Show Project Name On Invoice [Ex: Yes/No]
Show Total Paid On Invoice [Ex: Yes/No]
Show Credits Applied On Invoice [Ex: Yes/No]
Show Amount Due On Invoice [Ex: Yes/No]
Attach invoice PDF when sending payment receipt to email [Ex: Yes/No]
Predefined Client Note
Predefined Terms & Conditions
Proposal Info Format (PDF and HTML) [Ex: {proposal_to} {address} {city} {state} {country_code} {zip_code} {phone} {email}]